Thursday 11 February 2010

Working From Home

Things that only happen when you work from home #1: answering the door to Jehovah’s Witnesses.


  1. I thought our local pack of Mormons meant we were immune from Jehovah's witnesses? Like shingles and chicken pox, or cowpox and smallpox...

  2. You've just made me realise another advantage of living in Europe's largest Hasidic Jewish community - no proselytizing.
    On the other hand, this means no chance at all to ask about what the different heights and breadths of fur hats mean and whether women have shaved their hair under their wigs. How do they manage the ritual purification and do the women participate in higher education (they have London's highest scoring girls' schools).

  3. PS Have you ever asked the Mormons about their underwear?

  4. rattdl( February 2010 at 19:41

    roisin wanted to be a (n)morman when she grew up and the morman neighbours used to tke in our wshing when it rained so they knoe all about our underwearing.
